Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Planning task 3: Masthead design

The first image uses Engravers MT in bold and capital letters for the masthead, and Constantia in bold lower case for the strapline. 

The second image uses Perpetua Titling for the masthead, and Palatino Linotype for the strapline both of them in bold. 

 For this sample I have used Chintzy CPU Shadow and Chintzy CPU BRK. Same font but differently shaded. 

I have decided to stop on this fonts for my masthead and strapline. 

Masthead is in Chintzy CPU BRK, and the strapline is in AddCityboy fonts. I personally prefer this fonts over all others, as it does suit the theme of my magazine. I also think it is easy to read and is noticeable, can attract attention, and is relatable to the whole image of the cover of the magazine. Hip-hop based music, articles, interviews and in general hip-hop culture which the magazine will be based on, fits the typography and will look perfect all together. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Planning Task One: Magazine Title and Strap-line


I have chosen B-PEOPLE for my magazine title, as I will focus on hip-hop and rap, so, I had to come out with something that will reflect my aim and encode the meaning for the audience. I think, it has a catchy aura that could intrigue my target audience and they would in fact remember the title of the magazine as it has a melodic way of saying it, and more likely to be remembered. 

For my strapline i have choose VIBE WITH THE TRIBE, it's aiming for the target audience 16 to 25 years old, which is mainly youth and teenagers, which means that most of readers would be able to decode the slang from the strapline. By combining the title and starpline together, we can get a melodic mix of words that are well put together and sound good together and share the same meaning. 

Production Task Two: Production Log

 For my Cover 1, I’ve decided to work with black and white image and bright red colour for cover furniture. On the main image is my friend B...