Friday 19 April 2024

Set Brief


I have been given a set brief for my NEA

My NEA must not reproduce an existing media product.

I must work individually on my NEA but others may act in or appear in the production  and/or may operate lighting, sound, recording or other equipment under my direction.

My NEA must only use original footage, images and/or text within my production. I must not use any found images in my NEA production

SET BRIEF:  Magazines and online

Requirements of the brief

I work for an independent media production company. I have been given the task of producing  the front cover and contents page of the first two editions of a new music magazine that  is being launched by an independent publisher and two pages for the working website for the  magazine.

The web pages must promote the new magazine to its target audience and enable fans to interact  with the content.

Summary of brief requirements:

• Statement of Intent (approx. 500 words)

• Music magazine covers and contents pages: Two pages for each of the first two  editions.

• Magazine distribution method: Content must be suitable for retail distribution.

• Number of web pages: One homepage and one linked page.

• Cross media production target audience: A primarily 16–25 year old middle market audience  that likes to be entertained.

There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.

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