Sunday 8 September 2024

Planning Task 8: Photography Planning

 For my photos that I intend to use as main images for my magazine B-people will differ from one another and will create different vibes. They will differ and create contrast within music industry, and magazine's diversity.

For my first cover, I will use a male model that will play the role of prototype of a hip-hop artist who experiments in hip-hop by using different sub-genres to create a pleasing flow. For the picture I’m willing to create a busy background, with posters, graffiti, pictures and so forth, all the potential stuff to make it interesting for the audience to explore the picture. The picture itself will be colourful as well as the representation of the artist, the background will match with the artist’s and his costumes and make up. The model is more likely to be pictured in a sitting position to make a way for the background to be seen and stand out a bit, along with that, drums and drumsticks will be placed, to create a musical sense and link it to the meaning of the magazine’s goal. Drums are about bouncing, bass, and energy, if there is lack of these factors then hip-hop will not sound right. Drums as an instrument have a direct link to hip-hop history and have been one of the first instruments that have created hip-hop as genre. So, with the use of it, it could quite easily create a familiarity with history for the reader. I’m planning to use a lot of colours in the picture and will make the model stand out by styling him in the right way, style as well as his hair and maybe will add some make to modernize it. Aiming in using either water (could be colourful) or powder to spread in on the top of the drums area so in contact with the drumsticks it could fly all over around the model and which eventually could potentially create a beautiful picture.  

For my second picture I will use two female models as a prototype of a duo. The picture already differs from the first one by the number of people in the frame and gender, I reckon it’s important to diversify the image of the music stage and to touch this topic by creating a cover. The cover will be less colourful as I'll have two models in use, so they will automatically stand out because the reader is more likely to process and explore both. I'm planning to make the picture black and white, and further in photoshop make one of the items on the model or something in their surrounding stand out, so there is a meaning behind it. The background will be less busy in comparison with the first picture, it’s more likely that I will experiment with white wall and ill add calmer colours on it to match with the model’s costumes & makeup, to make them stand out. It will somehow create a puzzle for the audience, and the match in colours creates a good sense of understanding the creative point behind it, and by that giving a chance for the reader to explore it further on by reading the magazine.  The models are more likely to give a direct stare to create closeness with the audience and confidence.

Both covers will match the style and vibe of the magazine, it will perfectly match and suit its meaning. Models will differ from each other by gender and origins, ethnicity which could perfectly work with the idea of diversity and universal message of the music. Models will be put in the suitable for their music style atmosphere which will work better for analysing them further on.  

In terms of other photography and videography that I will use on for my content pages for both versions, and as well for my website, for this I’ll use pictures that I have taken before at some concerts, maybe in other part of the world that will match the colours of the magazine and the style of it. Works the same with videos, I will use my phone to film interviews of artists and teenagers. For background and other pictures, I might use vinyl records or CDs, cassettes and vintage clothing to match the topics.  Will create slide show in the video and collages for an aesthetic pleasing. Will make sure that images match between each other and creates positive sense of viewing the page and front covers.

Planning task 7: Website Homepage and Linked page

For my header I will make sure that the masthead stays in the same font as it is on the physical version of the magazine and is centralized to create familiarity with the magazine in the audience’s eyes. The masthead will follow the reader along, whilst he will scroll down the page to find out more about the site. The pop offs such as about us, shop, live, podcasts and so forth will also follow along while scrolling down so it becomes easier for the reader to click on any banner and to be immediately transferred to the chosen page. The search bar will follow the same tactic. The typography for the banners will be slightly smaller than the masthead, more likely to be sans-serif font and might highlight some of them with the bold effect to make it stand out and give a sense of significance. The social media links will be placed on the top of the masthead and everything that comes afterwards to make it also stand out and ease the search for followers of the site. 

More likely that the typography of the whole website page will stay in sans-serif font and will change the size of the letters and will add bold effect to some of it if needed. However, the section's mastheads could differ from other text and for that I will use the same font as I have picked for the original masthead of the magazine. To make it stand out.  

In terms of images, I want to experiment with creating collages in some places to maybe promote new issues or magazine’s clothing merch. It can help me to claim the idea of hip-hop lifestyle and its vision for others, to create a flow that will be aesthetically pleasing to look at. I will make sure to include as many images as possible, to create slides for promotional terms, to promote an artist or duo of the previously published issues. I will link pictures to articles, interviews and adverts to give a ‘taste’ of what the magazine is about, so the reader could literally ‘VIBE WITH THE TRIBE’ by looking at the pictures that depict and represent certain meaning behind it. I want the online page to look useful and easy to read, not aiming to create something very busy as it will annoy rapidly and will not surround with feeling of visiting the page, which must be avoided by me as an editor.  

For my video materials I will add a maximum of 2 to 3 interviews with multiple people and a few others for the event section or new artists section for promotion. I reckon interviews create this sense of closeness between audience and artists, or magazine and target audience, because in the interview you can touch and talk the topics that are eyes-opening for many young people, you can create this barrier around the reader that can give them sense of protection and comfort. Interview will be about music in general and always will have a goal to talk about hip-hop in specific, and in each interview, by the end of it, reader will get a recommendation from a profession in they sphere (hip hop artist, music shop owner and so forth). Along with the interviews with people who work in the music field, I’m willing to create an interview with people of 16-25 years old who will talk in their mother language and will respond to my questions. Surely, the video will be followed by subtitles in English to make its useful in use for the reader. The question again will be about music, hip-hop, lifestyle linked to music and its important sides.  

The homepage will be accompanied by sections such as - recent issue pictures, recommended playlist, recent albums, features, and a link where you could potentially buy the issue. Along with that promotion of some events, merch, video materials, interviews and links to ‘in deep’ articles. I will arrange the page with the same aesthetic as the physical copy of the magazine to create familiarity and make the role of the website useful and easier to use, as the reader will be familiar with the style of the B-people already. At the very bottom of the page there will be the link to ‘subscribe’ bottom to follow the page, as well as the email address for any questions or reviews, social media links and a ‘thank you’ message from the editor to the reader as appreciation for visiting the page.  

Below is a mock up of a possible header for the website. 


Friday 6 September 2024

Planning Task 6: Contents pages


While trying to create my contents’ pages I have flipped many magazine contents pages to create a great idea of how it supposed to look like. As I have decided for my covers, I don’t want to make the front covers look too busy and mostly concentrate on main images, I’ll go with the same flow for creation of my contents pages. I have brainstormed many words and ideas into bigger chunks of text, sentences and so forth in order to chop off unnecessary parts of it. For one of my covers, where I will present a man as a prototype of an artist I will mostly focus on the sub-genre of hip-hop and how it helps people. I want to expand my idea of music, and how it’s very helpful and does help with anxiety and works as a free therapy.  

Below as you can see, a mock of a content page for my second cover. My second cover will represent female duo and will talk a bit about their struggles in hip-hop field, that it could perhaps be competitive and male artists often rudely verbalize that they don’t desire to share rap stage with them. I think it will have a good boost for female part of my target audience,and will push them towards to find out how the duo and female artists in general handle it and how they resolve it. It can give a lot of confidence and a wave of proudness for women. I will consider fashion advice that the magazine wants to share with the audience and give little life-hacks for females that will make their girlhood easier.  

I will consider topics that involve new MC, artists, freshmen in hip-hop, what have been released in terms of music and what can be found on the further pages of the magazine to maybe add to their playlists. Next collaborations, how new artists are doing on the stage and what to expect from them. Why do your origins matter or other way around. I’m willing to mix soft topics that have to deal with fashion, new music coming up, new artists, background of the duo that will be depicted on the front cover, and with harder topics that have to deal with feminism, female role in hip-hop and music in general, how to overcome hate, why does confidence is the key to success and just simply life-hacks.  I want to give the idea that hip-hop is not aggressive sound and just rap, it can be used as a therapy and everyone can find themselves in hip-hop's lifestyle, artists in the league always will aim for different target audience who could potentially enjoy their sub-genres or so forth. Hip-hop is more than just a genre, it's a culture, and has its history which could somehow bring lightness into listener's life. This is why a want to mix and combine serious topics with just simply interesting topics about lifestyle.

The mock below is ideally how I want to  make my contents pages to look like. For the first front cover i'll have maximum of 3 pictures, and for the second front cover I'm planning to stick with one large picture and another smaller one. I will place date, issue number on the top so it is visible but is not too eye catching, is more for formality.

For my second content page, I tend to arrange pictures and text a bit differently. My second front cover will also have a mix of information that could be found in the magazine, but the number of pictures will differ as well as the size of it. Maybe, on the second content page for second cover, I’ll include more of ‘FEATURES section, and events, and along with it I’ll add topics that have to do with music therapy and how it is a thing. Acknowledging digital developments and its impact on artists and how they feel about that will spoil a story that links to it. I think it’s important to bring up topics that rarely are shown in any music lyrics or social media. And of course, along with serious topic will always include topics that have to do with fashion and how to keep up with trends, what hip-hopers advice in changing and why.  

For both of my content pages i want to place a phrase that was said by the artist to encourage the audience, especially the young generation who might lack confidence and need to hear it from a successful human being. Along with it, I will include the message about the editor letter for everyone on the following pages.  

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Planning task 5: Mock up of covers 1 and 2


In the front covers of the mock-ups, I have attempted to create the best vision of what I’m willing to produce for my covers. Both covers reflect the idea of the magazine, such as hip-hop lifestyle, stereotypical view of it, and maybe debatable view of the second cover where you can see two females that are the face of hip hop industry. I tended to represent how hip-hop looks like in two different ways, by using two different genders, ethnicities, classes and subgenres. How does it differ and the impact of it. In combination with the media language on the covers, it can help to create a best image of how it should look like.  

Images differs with their locations, set out, colour and meaning so it can better present the diversity of this genre.


Planning Task 8: Photography Planning

  For my photos that I intend to use as main images for my magazine B-people will differ from one another and will create different vibes. ...